The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19507   Message #198966
Posted By: Amos
21-Mar-00 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Friendly, But Not Familiar?
Subject: RE: BS: Friendly, But Not Familiar?
I know all about renegadehood. I grew up wearing an army jacket and long hair in my later teens. I can guarantee you I would have a serious problem if my earlier self showed up to take my daughter on a date. But she has already demonstrated good judgement in poeple and brings home mannerly youths who smile and call me Mister. WHich helps a lot. As I once said humoprouly to Mbo, if that seems hypocritical, well, it is, and that's as it should be... :?)

I love those applications. My various girlfriends' fathers always did them orally which took much longer.