The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99359   Message #1990305
Posted By: Scrump
08-Mar-07 - 05:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Worst comedian ever?
Subject: RE: BS: Worst comedian ever?
If you don't know the jokes, then isolated punch lines like 'your turn in the barrel' pass right over your head... :-)

One of the many amusing things about listening to the Goons is to spot these apparently innocuous remarks in the script. The BBC's censorship was pretty draconian in those days, and Milligan enjoyed the game of trying to slip things past them, such as the above punchline quoted by Foolestroupe.

The character Hugh Jampton was introduced for the same reason. He got away with that too. It would be interesting to know what was edited out of the scripts that the censors did spot.