The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99711   Message #1990853
Posted By: InOBU
08-Mar-07 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Acid reflux
Subject: RE: BS: Acid reflux
been very sick from it... you can hear in my recordings of two years ago, how it affected my voice... not a good thing at all. It is now more or less in check, but, I eat my big meal of the day before 2 PM, most of the time, and sleep sitting up, which completly sucks, but it beats the terrible things to which gurd and acid reflux can lead... I also would get the bigest toncil-liths ( toncil stones) anyone would see, they'd choke me for weeks... behaiving around the food has helped that as well, and my voice is coming back. I was even having trouble speaking at times.
Don't play around with it!!! I did want to avoid taking the meds... life style, radical life style changes where more what I was comfy with...
all the best

PS I dream of someday being able to lie down to sleep again.