The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99617   Message #1990868
Posted By: pirandello
08-Mar-07 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Guitar: Working vs Performance
Subject: RE: Guitar: Working vs Performance
My best guitar is the best because it sounds great, plays beautifully easily and consequently gets played the most. It also inspires me musically so why on earth would I want to to do myself, it and an audience a disservice by not using it as it was intended?

Give your guitar reasonable care and, if you're gigging with it, keep it in a case whenever it's not being played, e.g between sets. It's just common sense.

A guitar isn't an ornament to be polished and pampered but a musical instrument which will pick up a good collection of beauty spots during a working life. A G7th capo fell out of my shirt pocket and bounced off the top of a Martin J40 I once owned while I was bending over to put it in its case-three lovely dings. Shit, as they say, happens.