The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98295   Message #1991140
Posted By: Scrump
09-Mar-07 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: UK Parliament folk arts group
Subject: RE: UK Parliament folk arts group
Kitty, of course I'm not saying that folk singers shouldn't express political views. Far from it, I'd like to see more of them doing just that, instead of droning on about irrelevant claptrap like so many do.

And of course I'd like to see more politicans take an interest in folk music - if they had done, we wouldn't have got into the position we're in now, regarding the Licencing Act.

But in the 1950s and 1960s we actually had some politicians we could believe in, to support the ideals expressed in song by folk singers. These days I don't see any MPs like that - if they exist, then they keep a very low profile indeed. The current corrupt government has nothing in common with those MPs you refer to in the 50s and 60s.

So the idea of the likes of Kinnock and other Blairites coming on to the MH show to blether on about how folk music influences their 'socialist' policies (or whatever b&ll%cks they spout on there, I haven't heard it and don't think I want to) makes me feel nauseous. I certainly don't relish the prospect of hearing these self-aggrandising wastes of space giving their opinions on folk music.

So yes, my prejudices are showing, and I'm glad of that :-)

Now, I'd better get my coat before a load of outraged New Labourites arrive and have me taken away for 'questioning'.