The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99731   Message #1991629
Posted By: beardedbruce
09-Mar-07 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming - the myth
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming - the myth

The reduction of CO2 is being presented as a CURE for global warming- After it fails to stop it, how many people will say "You lied about CO2, why should we believe you about ( insert attempt to DEAL with the effects of GW)?"

IF there were ANY plans being proposed about DEALING with the known effects, instead of just pretending that the Kyoto Accords will make the issue go away, THEN I might agree with you. Yes, we should do what we can to reduce the human contribution- BUT NOT AT THE COST of dealing with the real problem. And that is what the people presently crying wolf are doing. They ignore the human costs and effect, and talk only about the contribution of industry to what would STILL be happening with no industry at all. Just look at the Viking colony in Greenland, for what happens when you ignore climactic change.