The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19531   Message #199170
Posted By: Dale Rose
22-Mar-00 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: Whats the matter with you people????
Subject: RE: Whats the matter with you people????
While I don't think the Guest necessarily phrased the comment in the best way possible (who among us ALWAYS does that anyway?)I think there is some justification for the remark. I made a quick check of 30 days worth of posts, and found at least 51 requests that were clearly marked, but received not a single response. There were six in the most recent 24 hour period (before the crash) so I would imagine that since that was a much higher percentage, some of those threads people just had not gotten to yet or were still thinking about. This was a hurried check, but I saw at least one that I could have answered, and another that I could have investigated and likely found. No doubt others could do the same.

Unfortunately, it is a whole lot easier to prattle on mindlessly (yes, we all do it, some more than others) than to do a thorough research project, which may or may not be appreciated. And yes, sometimes the information requested is right there at hand FOR THOSE WHO KNOW HOW TO LOOK. Some people just have not yet developed those skills yet, though as some suggest, there are others who just want someone else to do it for them. I'd like to think that contingent is in a distinct minority though.

So maybe what I want to say is that the "regulars" or whatever term you want to use, should try to do a better collective job of at least attempting to help out those who request lyrics by at least pointing them in the right directions. It is no good saying, "Oh, NOOOOO, not another request for (fill in your most irritating request here)." While it may be the 3rdh, 8th or 10th time you've seen it, just remember that it is probably the FIRST time that particular person has asked and it may well be their first week on the internet, so they are still unaware of the wealth of information that is out there FOR THOSE WHO KNOW HOW TO FIND IT.

I think I have said all I have on my mind for the moment. Excuse me while I think a bit more about the request for I'm In Love With Two, that's one I should know, but just can't quite place.