The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19531   Message #199242
Posted By: tar_heel
22-Mar-00 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Whats the matter with you people????
Subject: RE: Whats the matter with you people????
just wanted to speak out for CAT members.when i was a guest,before becoming a member,there were times i asked dumb questions too! but whether i got the answers or not didn't matter. the fact that thre was a place on the internet that was a source of imformation to me and other musicians,was an excitng adventure!!! that's what made me eventually become a member and i wouldn't trade all these friends,answers ,little quips, digs,jabs,and just good ole clean fun,for all the tea,rice or china!!!! like i said,nutin 'tmatter wiz smeeeee.!!!!