The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19531   Message #199256
Posted By: InOBU
22-Mar-00 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Whats the matter with you people????
Subject: RE: Whats the matter with you people????
If you want a lot of responce, couch your question in political terms, and in the cross fire, you may get an answer. Only kidding, before this gets out of hand! No, I agree, that my posts that did not go answered, were generally because I made to obscure a title. We realy are not cliquish at all, to my experience, unless you were asking for the words to the Horst Wessel song, or something, but even that, I think would get SOME kind of responce. Get back to us, and accept our appologies if our HUGE resource of abstract knowlege was not taped or too challenged.
Best regards