The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99700   Message #1992626
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
10-Mar-07 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: So thats seth lakeman is it
Subject: RE: So thats seth lakeman is it
Sorry guys, this thread's about Seth...start a separate Lizzie Bashing one if you feel the need.

I think it was Sean Lakeman who said that he actually regretted going to music college, as he felt that time was wasted.

Natural musicians, Diane, are the same as 'natural teachers'. They are born knowing how an instrument works. They may never read music or ever understand it, but the music they produce is magical. I've no idea about Seth's musical background, but he's welded to that fiddle...and Sean is the same with his guitar. Seth's fiddle is a part of him, as much as his arms or legs. It's the same as my daughter saying she cannot imagine life without being able to paint, Same for many a musician...or writer, or teacher, or dancer, or sculptor etc...

Creative people often have very similar brain patterns. We've been through it all before elsewhere. YOUR ears Diane, as you've told us before 'dissect' music note for note, and you assume that everyone does this when they listen to music...they don't. Some do though.

The way that Seth moves, his body language, facial expressions, speed of movement etc..are all, imo, linked in to his natural musical talent. In the same way, a natural teacher understands children and adults from the inside out. They know how to make learning easy and a joy. The present Government has broken the skill for many teachers, forcing them to teach in a particular way, which many know is wrong. The good and 'natural' teachers are leaving en masse.

As I've suggested to you before, read Ronald D. Davis's 'Gift Of Dyslexia' book and in there you'll find out how he was treated as an imbecile at school, because he could not read and write. He was a genius at maths though, although he could not explain why...he just knew the answers...but this wasn't enough, he HAD to be able to explain, to those who know better..He was labelled a Savant and treated appallingly. He later, became an engineer, before giving in to the real love of his life, which as sculpting. He discovered that he saw things 'differently' only because a friend of his watched him sculpting a head one day and asked him how he managed to bring the clay to life life that. He looked at him in amazement and said "But the head is already in there! I simply am removing the clay from around it. Can't you see it?" His friend didn't understand.

Ronald then went on his 'dyslexic' journey of discovery and now runs schools throughout the USA and UK for dyslexic children and he also found that a high proportion of dyslexic people are also highly talented musicians, dancers, artists, scupltors, athletes etc...They have the ability to 'see inside' without even realising they're doing it. The dancer is able to view themselves 'from above', the artist will strip back the paint to the canvas (my daughter does this) the musician will pick up an instrument and 'feel it' from the inside out....whilst never knowing what order the notes may be supposed to played in...etc..etc..

Seth's just 'got it' that's all...I'm sure all three of the Lakeman's have 'it' That special natural magic.

Impossible to understand for those with closed minds....but exceptionally easy to see for those who understand.

Oh...and a 'natural' teacher Diane, would never ridicule a child or an adult for their spelling, grammar or indeed anything else, because the 'natural' teacher can spot the gift that is within every single human being...

Seth has that gift.