The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99700   Message #1993247
Posted By: Folkiedave
11-Mar-07 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: So thats seth lakeman is it
Subject: RE: So thats seth lakeman is it
First of all I agree with Richard, spaw, that post was uncalled for.

Secondly Mrs. Route, I am delighted that you know how the brain works. I drive a car - I have no more idea of how it works than flying to the moon. But I have daily first hand experience of it. First, second, third, fourth and fifth hand. But I am happy for you to know how the brain works.

but I couldn't tell you, even to this day, which tracks are on which Show of Hands CDs or even Seth's...who has far brain just won't do it.

We all realised that Mrs. Route. We all realised it for instance because you wrote last week that you had stopped posting to this board that your short term memory is poor.

Here is what the Birmingham Adult Dyslexia Group says about that.

When a dyslexic person is under pressure or stressed the effects of short-term memory loss are intensified even more

Mrs Route, you don't have to take my advice but here are two helpful ideas.

First of all try and relieve your stress, all the evidence shows it will help your short-term memory, so you will remember when you have written that you will not post to this board and threads any more. I think posting to these boards increases the intensity of your stress.

Secondly, and this is a very serious point and I want you to think about it carefully.

The UK is desperate for trained dyslexia teachers. Really really desperate. So why not go and get qualified so instead of talking about how much you know on this board, and then you will be able to do something concrete and useful and help the people who have this problem.

It will have the added advantage of keeping you busy.