The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1993264
Posted By: GUEST,An Observer
11-Mar-07 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)

Don't they understand, we don't want folk to be popular? We don't want the general public (halfwits) to be interested in OUR music. We hate anyone from the folk world who becomes popular enough to earn a living from OUR music. And we hate any music which isn't folk (and we will decide what IS folk). And we hate festival organisers, (robbing b*st*rds), we hate their concerts, don't want to buy their tickets, but we do want to camp on their festival site (for free). Then we can sit in a nice little pub listening to a lovely person about the size of a jumbo jet, singing, only slightly out of tune. A place where we can drink good ale and complain about how down trodden we are, how unfair the world is, and how THEY are trying to stop us singing in the bar. A place where we can be rustic, people of the earth, before going back to our well paid jobs in IT or HR.