The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99700   Message #1993411
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
11-Mar-07 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: So thats seth lakeman is it
Subject: RE: So thats seth lakeman is it
Mrs Route doesn't know me, has never met me and has never (to my knowledge) ever assimilated one word of the knowledge (not a gift) nor information (also not a gift) I have ever written about. She is far too self-obsessed ever to have listened. This is the sole form of 'contact' I have ever had with her over the past year or so: mere attempts to counter the bollocks she spouts. What I know was acquired (not given) from clogging lessons with the Ellwoods, violin lessons from the church organist and at school, working at C# then as a journalist.

I've known the work of the Lakepersons (their children, not Joy and Geoff) for the past decade. Even that is approximately 10 years longer than Mrs Route who caught sight of the folk hobbit on YouTube last week. Once they were OK, now they are definitely not though may be making some money. If that's your criteria, they are successful. I'm not actually at all interested in what they do and, other than to point this out once or twice, have scarcely ever passed comment until the albino bunny rabbit hopped along.

Doesn't mean I haven't felt like throwing up at her idiotic, sycophantic fawning over them and those other South-Western crooners. But far more importantly, it's when she threatens the careers and livelihoods of genuine working musicians that her dangerous behaviour has to be curbed. It's malicious. It harms people and genuine music. It cannot continue.