The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12020   Message #1993505
Posted By: Cymreiges
11-Mar-07 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: Exported pre-fab Irish pubs compleat w/musicians
Subject: RE: Exported pre-fab Irish pubs compleat w/musicians
There's a nice restaurant/pub in my area called Ri-Ra. Apparently, the woodwork and counters were taken from a bar at the Olympia Theatre and a shop in Co. Cavan. {The original bar and shop were built in the 1800s, so I suppose it's not really pre-fab.} It's very beautiful, but shipping a bar interior to Maryland seems extragant.
On the other hand, Ri-Ra hosts great trad sessions. The musicians are local Marylanders, plus one or two from Pennsylvania or DC. I guess the pre-fab Irish musicians got lost en-route!


* I think there's a Fado chain pub in the DC area ... I've never been.