The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1993808
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
11-Mar-07 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Oh can insult deeper than that surely?

I've written about more acts than you've thrown insults at me...I've only written about Seth on here recently though...and Show of Hands..but's getting excitin' an' all..Easter not far away now and their RAH gig just around the corner!

>>>>Ever been to IVFDF?<<<<

Good Lordy...I'm already blessed with two children! But thanks for the offer Dave! ;0)

Sorry...humour creeping in there, I do so apologise...

OK..serious face again...after all this IS folk music...

>>>>So tell us about the events you have organised and how they have contributed to the inspiration of young people. Or do you simply gush?<<<<

I gush. But not simply. I gush...Overwhelmingly! :0) And I have been known, on the very odd occasion, to inspire, just now and again....That's what I do Dave...Gush...I have a Degree in Gushing....but it was folk music that made me Gush...never Gushed before anywhere...

I don't organise...Hopeless at that...but I do always try and support folk that do....hence I gush about Beautiful Days, Dartmoor Festy, Otley Festy, Britfolk, Sidmouth, Folkwaves etc..etc...etc...That's my contribution...Or at was...

I won't tell you about my Seth Gush going on another site then 'cos you'll probably blow a gasket....or being asked by someone else to gushfor them either....Woops! ;0) (Don't panic, I told them I was unable to at present, but I was very chuffed to be asked) Haven't you got any Folk On Tap Dave? That was my favourite....Lovely magazine Folk on Tap...

Ruth...I'm very pleased that you're now helping to save Sidmouth, I really am. Shame you weren't around to tip-tap all about it a few years back....Heck, you could of joined me in fending off your pal Diane, who did so much to cause unrest and disruption about it all...A great shame. Still, at least this year you can tell everyone on the BBC all about it, on my behalf.

If you get stuck, there's 15,000 gushing words about Sidmouth 2005 on my Myspace page that you can refer to. I'll look forward to reading your review. I won't be writing about Siddy this year...or anything the BBC could do with a few more words I expect.

>>But somehow your version of the folk world is its salvation, while mine is its destruction? Interestng logic, asd always.<<

Noooo..not at all....I never said that I'm 'saving the folk world' said that. Besides....everyone knows Seth and Show of Hands are doing that.....John Tams too and Coope Boyes and Simpson and Bob Fox and Jez Lowe and Jim Moray and that gorgeous Jim Causley as well....and The Fabulous Witches and The Demons....

And I never said you're destroying it either, you said that...I just took exception to one thing you said about Show of Hands in that you'd 'rather have pins stuck in your eyes than listen to them'...And you've been on my back ever deario....

Hope you've got your ear plugs and some stout goggles though....because Show of Hands are coming to Sidmouth this year. YIPPPPEEE!

And...I've no doubt they'll be the first to sell out at The Ham as well and bring in the crowds..of ALL ages! It's great to see that Show of Hands audience is getting more and more young people in it nowadays....Just like Seth, The Demon Barbers, Bellowhead et al...Show of Hands are the way forward.
