The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96728   Message #1994044
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
12-Mar-07 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: Miskin at Easter 07 - cancelled
Subject: RE: Miskin at Easter 07
Hey Lynne, me darlin'!

Aah think it's aboot time we brought back the birch!

As Basil Brush might say....."Broom, Broom!"

Aalreet! Aah'll get me coat!

Aah think it's ownly fair te warn yez though! Aah divvent taalk like this.

When we mooved sooth in 1966 aah had te gan back te school and aah wez ownly there lang enough te learn te speak english but not lang enough te learn te write it!

That coupled with being married tiv a lass from Birkenhead for eight years then tiv a lass from Dorset for another 25 - it's difficult te tell what accent aah've got - Bit of a mongrel really!