The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1994058
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
12-Mar-07 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
>>>"Wiggly Music" as a clubbing friend of my daughter's calls it works fine on the region between the thighs, but some of us like music that satisfies the region between the ears too. If the two coincide, lucky you. <<<

Good Lawdy Richard! My eyes have crossed!

Now you see, the thing is..and this is an interesting point...I some folk music...a music that did EXACTLY that! reached 'the parts that other music cannot reach' because..not only does it enrich er...the wiggly parts...but it enriches the soul too!

And THAT is why I went on the BBC board for the first time ever, way, way back..Because I was so enraged that this music was being 'hidden'...and sadly, that's when I was first 'set upon' by the folk police and they've never gone away.... least there'll be no more of that disgusting business over on the BBC. No more wiggling, or giggling or Girlies or Swooning over Morris Boysies...All quite disgusting stuff and way to airy fairy for this small serious narrow minded section of the folk world.

But once upon a touched my soul...and I wrote about it in just that way. It still does touch my soul...but now I have been silenced....

Never mind, at least I can come over here now and chatter to you all instead of you having to come over to the BBC and er 'chatter' to me.

Lizzie :0)