The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1994101
Posted By: GUEST,Bystander
12-Mar-07 - 06:22 AM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
"I don't think Cecil was in the folk police. He was just a collecter, albeit an avid one"
Hmmm ... methinks you know very little of the subject in that case Lizzie ... damned by your own words. Some would very definitely say that Cecil WAS the Commissioner of the first Folk Police. Do you know anything at all about the schisms and fights in the "folk" collecting world in the early 1900's at all? I somehow doubt it -

You keep pronouncing on the fact that... our music is dying out ... if the youngsters don't take it on board then....etc etc A very Victorian attitude! The early folk song collectors in the mid 19th century were all of the opinion that the music was dying out with the old people (a lot of them actually younger than the collectors themselves!!) who sang the songs. Strangely enough, here we are discussing the same thing over 125 years later ... and lo and behold the music's still here, undergoing the same sort of changes that it did then. It's far more resilient than you give it credit for. However, no matter what you may wish to do for it, you can't force people to like it. It is, and it always has been a minority interest, except for the odd peaking burst of interest which arises every so often... for instance, the Edwardian era saw folk song bursting forth on the concert stage in programmes interspersed with classical pieces (with piano arrangements of course) - for instance Dame Clara Butt included a version of "The Keys of Heaven" in her repertoire - good grief, maybe she was the Seth Lakeman of her day???

" least there'll be no more of that disgusting business over on the BBC. No more wiggling, or giggling or Girlies or Swooning over Morris Boysies…"
All of which demeans the music and the customs that those of us who were already here on these boards ,and discussing the music which we love, are strongly drawn to - the music and the dance are fun and so are the people that play/do it, but it doesn't have to be reduced to a puerile state of faddy teenie bop adulation - so hooray for that!

What you patently seem to ignore (despite being told more than once) is that those of us who are already here on these boards have already "found" the music which you keep gushing about … we don't need to be told how wonderful it is - we already know!

"All quite disgusting stuff and way to (sic) airy fairy for this small serious narrow minded section of the folk world."
Dearie me - so far I've found many of these fictitious folk police to be extremely great fun, friendly, and warm people…. could it be something you've done Lizzie???

The promised silence (yawn) would be lovely… I'll look forward to it when it arrives. Wake me up when that happens someone, would you?