The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1994367
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
12-Mar-07 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
From John: >>>I didn't get into Folk until the age of 49. That was back in 1993, nor had I picked up a guitar until then either, but I didn't let that stop me. Why does it seem to matter what age you are for goodness sake. This ageism thing really gets my 'dander' up. I'm a teenager that's just happened to have got to the age I am.
John Barden <<<

Gosh look like you've been a real folkie all your life.

You have a lovely 'look' by the way! ;0) I think it's because you're a teenager!! Oh...something on this thread that's finally brought a smile and put it back into perspective.

A REAL, Genuine, Lovely FOLKIE!

Someone send for George...He doesn't have 'clubs'...well...apart from Herga of course...but otherwise..he doesn't..

AND...George has a great sense of humour too! And he makes your feet dance with those Greek Rhythms...

Yes yes...Send For George! Immediately! Get him out of his suit and back into his Folkie Clothes...
