The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99833   Message #1994435
Posted By: Scrump
12-Mar-07 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: Singarounds - optimum number of people?
Subject: Singarounds - optimum number of people?
I haven't seen this point discussed, but apologies if it has.

In other threads discussing singarounds, people have said how great it is that everyone can have a go, regardless of how good / bad they are, and I agree.

The singarounds I've been to vary widely in the number of participants, ranging from a small number of people to quite a large number.

The fewer people, the more songs each participant gets to sing. I admit I've been to a few that were poorly attended, and each person there was able to do quite a few songs. That's fine, except that I found I hardly had time to relax between songs.

The other side of the coin is when there are so many people there, that each person may only get one or two songs all evening. That's OK too. I've never yet been to one where there were so many people that the people at the end of the room didn't get a chance to sing at all, but maybe it's happened somewhere?

What do people think is the 'optimum' number for a singaround, in terms of the number of songs per participant? I realise it depends on the time available, the length of each song, etc.

If there are a large number of attendees, instead of going around the room, maybe names should be drawn out of a hat. Do any singarounds do this?

Any comments folks?