The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99833   Message #1994494
Posted By: Marje
12-Mar-07 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: Singarounds - optimum number of people?
Subject: RE: Singarounds - optimum number of people?
If the numbers are large, one strategy is to get all the singers to add their names to a list as they come in, and ask them to sing in that order. This means that those who come early are certain of a spot, whereas late arrivals may not be.

Some groups ask singers to do two songs for their spot. This means you get a bit more chance to warm up, and to choose two songs that will contrast or complement each other in some way. It may also mean that you don't get another go, but that's fine if there's plenty of variety.

I'm perfectly happy to get only one song or spot on a busy evening, provided that the general standard is good. But a quiet night with a small group can also be quite enjoyable, when you get to try out and compare songs in a more intimate setting - again, as long the standard is OK. If the singer from hell is there, it's even worse if you know you're going to have to listen to them again and again, doing the same songs they do every time.
