The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1994608
Posted By: Blowzabella
12-Mar-07 - 03:22 PM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Oh Lizzie - the problem is that, when it comes to breach of copyright, Dave's correct - and the thing is, it isn't up to him to go round 'scouring the net' for other breaches of copyright - this site (Sam's site?? and I've no idea who Sam is) has been brought to the world's attention - partly by you. If it is full of plaguarised material - then that material should, at least, be correctly attributed. It's like the recording of gigs thing - artists, whether they be singers, writers whatever - have rights - you can't just bung their work up anywhere and give the impression (by not dsaying whose work it is) that it is your own.

As generous as you think performers are, they should not be deprived of their rights. In the same way as many songs are about workers rights - fought for and won - you should not expect artists to give up their rights to their work - or open acknowledgment of it. Or call people Moaning Minnies for pointing this out.

I'm sorry Lizzie - but this is much more of a business than you realise. There are rules - and it is the performers who get stuffed every time if those rules aren't followed.

So ... if you really do want to support musicians - don't support websites which contain plaguarised or non attributed material. Cos it is the thin end of the wedge - believe me.

I do wish you well - but this is a lot more complicated than you think.
(and there are professional browsers out there, looking for sites to pick up on and create case history)
