The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99843 Message #1994759
Posted By: Jeri
12-Mar-07 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: What IS Folk Music?
Subject: RE: What IS Folk Music?
A enigma, wrapped in a conundrum, wrapped in a riddle, onna stick.
Seriously, the more people argue about this, the more I think it's anything horses don't sing. Genres are categories invented for people to communicate. These days, if someone says they like 'folk', it's impossible to know if they like listening to Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen or Ewan McColl or the Copper family.
I think there ARE traditional songs and tunes, but they all got into the tradition somehow. I'm of the 'throw it at the wall and see what sticks' school of thought. We sing what we like and whether it has any meaningful shelf life isn't really up to us, but whoever's next in the chain. If categories get in the way of fun, they aren't worth it.