The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19507   Message #199561
Posted By: Willie-O
22-Mar-00 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Friendly, But Not Familiar?
Subject: RE: BS: Friendly, But Not Familiar?
What is it about you soon as your daughters' get into double digits, laid back old hippies turn into freakin Republicans...that's pretty scary when you're Canadian eh Michael.

Since Emily is 13 I imagine it won't be that long till there's a car in the driveway to pick her up that isn't driven by one of her friends' parents (i.e., my friends.)

So I guess I should be ready, and since none of the previously listed forms make any sense to me, I guess I'll have to do my own...

The Prospective Boyfriend

  1. Are you smart or nosey enough to find my stash? (That's bad.)
  2. If so, are you smart enough to stay out of it? (That's crucial.)
  3. How long have you had your licence? And are you invulnerable? (That's very bad unless your home planet is Krypton).
  4. Can you return these videos for me?
  5. Son, our driveway is too steep to back out of once you've started down it, like you just did. See those ruts at the bottom? Here's a shovel, know what to do with it?
  6. Say, I can't find my keys, do you know how to hot-wire a car? You do? You poor dope. (I'm not worried, you're not going to last long enough to be any trouble.)
  7. Do you have any skills or hobbies that don't involve using a computer?
  8. Do you play guitar or fiddle? Want some lessons? (There is no answer to either of these questions that will satisfy both the object of your interest, and me.)
  9. Know what a woodshed contains? Good, why don't you bring some in while you're waiting.
  10. Leaving already? Listen, I'm the easy one to get along with...the complicated one is getting into your car, then your real test starts.
