The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19493   Message #199562
Posted By: GUEST
22-Mar-00 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: Tech Talk: Modes and Scales Again
Subject: RE: Tech Talk: Modes and Scales Again
No I think you've hit one of the major translation difficulties there Peter. At the moment, the concept of modes is becoming more and more fashionable in the folk music world. I'm not saying they haven't been around before but the terminology is being used by more and more people with less and less accuracy. And lets face it musicians can be very strange about the way they describe what they're doing:

"A third plus a fifth is a seventh.." "You failed grade one didn't you."

Therefore you can get into any number of misunderstandings about what is actually being described. I will say G dorian and mean the relative dorian of F but not everybody does use this. I don't, now I come to think of it know if this correct but it is similar to the way I describe an D minor (relative to F major) scale.