The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19499   Message #199688
Posted By: ceitagh
23-Mar-00 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
Subject: RE: BS: Cyberspace Friendships II
H'lo everybody!

When the cyber-friends thread first went around, I posted a rather lengthy post on the thought that it was impossible to have a truly 'fleshed out' (so to speak) friendship with some one who was no more than words on a screen. And so i believed. But hanging around you 'cats, I've come to realise that maybe i've been missing out on something, 'cause if what you have ain't friendship, I don't know what it is! People, reaching out to touch each other, whether it be physically or by letter, or phone, or 'net...that's the basis of friendship, and i can't remember the last time i saw this much caring in a community. You guys reach out to the hurting (and best wishes to you ddw and Allen), gently chide the mistaken (where else could that message from GUEST turned into such a welcoming and affirming thread?), encourage each other and gracefully grow and change together. Lovely! I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you better!

Pax, ceit