The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1996975
Posted By: Hawker
14-Mar-07 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Countess Richard, I think maybe that you have looked and seen something that is not there, 'intruders' as you call them are more than welcome at Miskin, I was an intruder there myself a few years ago, and was made very welcome, that is the magic of Miskin, everyone is friendly, the booked artists mix in with the ticket buyers and as it is all on one site, by the end of the 4 day event, everybody knows pretty much everybody, and has, in the main enjoyed everybodies company. Young and old play and sing together, the camp fire burns all weekend and a real sharing community builds up throughout the weekend. I look forward to it because it doesn't smack of commercialism, its not that I am against commercialism, but it is refreshing to go to an event where the emphasis really is on enjoyment not profit. As I have heard said in the past.....'Don't knock it 'till you've tried it!
With regard to this thread, Maybe it is our little club, this folkie world, but there again, move in classical music circles and there is a definate'club' there too, I am sure the same can be said of all genres of the music world. Personally I find that sad. I like to embrace all types of music and share the enjoyment, I admire the tenacity of those that ran sidmouth and who now do run sidmouth, It is a HUGE event, but not for me, as I have said before, as it is, ticket wise, out of my price range. I have visited on the fringe and enjoyed myself greatly. But as has been said on another thread, the fringe element are, to a point a contentious issue, are they spongeing on those who pay for the tickets? I wouldn't want to be accused of that, its purely that financially my situation means I can not do otherwise.
Finally, I personally laughed out loud at the first post in this thread, we all surely know someone like this, or have seen shades of this attitude, maybe at some point we have been guilty of it ourselves, but hey, It shows we care and are passionate about what we enjoy! Lets not hate each other for that, lets embrace it and get on with the music - I am sure as hell Id rather do that than bicker and fall out over a wry comment by a person too scared to post under their own name - a thing I am proud to say i have never done or been tempted to do!
I'm off back to the clubhouse, anyone care to join me for a tune and a song?!!
Cheers, Lucy