The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99913   Message #1997100
Posted By: Rapparee
14-Mar-07 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: How shall we use the first time machine
Subject: RE: BS: How shall we use the first time machine
Are those three round trips? Or one way? Or like one trip with three stops: there, there, and back.

There's a lot I'd like to know besides the Big Things. Stuff like Amy Robsart and Jack the Ripper and Spring-Heeled Jack and Christopher Marlowe's death and was Mary REALLY behind the explosion that killed her husband and was Seward part of a plot to bump off Lincoln and what REALLY happened that day in Dallas and who killed Hitler's niece and that's just touching on the past.

As for the future, if there is one....