The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99910   Message #1998106
Posted By: Dave'sWife
15-Mar-07 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: I need a good lawyer
Subject: RE: BS: I need a good lawyer
For those trying to follow the story:

1.Donuel's mother passed away some time ago, his stepfather was her executor and handled the probate for her estate.
2. it seems he was unaware of the safety deposit box and its contents.
3.Why he was unaware is rather odd since her assets would have been listed in her will if she had one. Whatever - he didn't know or he knew and it slipped his mind - these things do happen
4.These alleged stocks (and we don't even know for sure what they are since history vis a vis Apple Computers stock offerings clashes with Donuel's memory) should have been part of her estate. But, since her estate was handled by someone else, Donuel doesn't know how they figured in the big picture.

5. Donuel's stepdad passes away and his estate is settled by someone else
6. Donuel searching one of those unclaimed funds sites, discovers a listing for a safety deposit in his mother's name that has been claimed by the State of New York

From here on it gets murky -

7.Donuel believes the contents were sold and sold at an inapproriate price although the liklihood of this happening is not high due to the way unclaimed funds are handled.
8. Something appears to have happened to them and Donuel just wants to find out what, why, how and is he gonna see any money from this - money his mom wanted him to have eventually - money they discussed ages ago.

Now, Donuel is clearly confused but it's understandable that he is. The reversion of unclaimed funds and accounts to the States where they reside is a complex process.

Donuel believes the following:
1. That his mother had initial stock offering stock certificates for "Apple Computers" dated 1972. (Apple did not go public until 1980 as described above) he admits he could be foggy on the date.
2. That the State has already sold these and sold them at an insanely low price

What I think has happened is this:
1. Donuel is mistaken about either:
   A. The company the stocks come from
   B. Their value
    C. Both A & B

2. Donuel is right about the company but wrong about the date

Are you following this flow chart?

So, Donuel needs:
1. a good Probate Lawyer, preferabbly one with good political connections in NYS (that means a republican in Albany NY)
2. A copy or link to the relevant law on the way the State of New York can handle the contents of presumed abandoned Safety Deposit boxes.

That's the gist of it.

So, Anyone know a good republican probate lawyer in Albany NY? I say Albany because it's the State Capitol and it might be easier for a lawyer there to interact with the State. Since the State of New York has been and is still in the hands of republicans, a republican laywer would be best bet. I know a high profile criminal attonrey in Albany who is a republican, but not a probate attorney. i could call his office and ask for a recommendation. Would you like me to do that Donuel? I'd be happy to give it a shot.