The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99512   Message #1998132
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
15-Mar-07 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: Ozcatters meet at 2007 National?
Subject: RE: Ozcatters meet at 2007 National?
According to my records (casettes) the National was held in 1988 at Sutherland!

Not that I went, or anything like that. I was living in the years between Folk-As-Top-40 & Rediscovering-Live-Music-In-1995, I just happen to have in my hand (well it was till I resumed typing) a copy of a workshop from that 1988 NFF.

I have a few such tapes copied from reel-to-reels made at that Festival.


since you asked - Bolan/Miles "A Study of Risibility in FolkMusic" & I might just play it again after my new Alistair Hulett CD finishes!

And I also have a pic from the icy 2000 NFF of Bob wearing a (light) jacket! I assume it is the only pic ever taken of him wearing a jacket, so it must be valuable.