The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99963 Message #1999346
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
17-Mar-07 - 04:49 AM
Thread Name: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Subject: RE: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Thanks to Richard Bridge - yes, I think you have grasped what I was trying to say.
Actually, if I ran a Folk Club (which I don't, and have no intention of doing) I don't think that it would be too unreasonable to have some sort of club policy concerning what type(s) of music the club should feature. Nevertheless, this might be extremely difficult to write and, contrary to what many people might think of me, I would strive NOT to make such a policy too restrictive (eg. a policy which requires only unaccompanied singing is patently absurd!).
I still believe that the key problem is related to the dominance of the 'Rock' form, and it's various Pop offshoots, in our culture. It does seem to me that many people just can't see beyond this particular form and think that all music should sound like Rock (speaking personally, I don't particularly like Rock and this is one of the reasons why I started going to folk clubs in the first place!).