The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3325   Message #20001
Posted By:
27-Jan-98 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: ABC? gif? MIDI files? internet music 101!!!
Subject: RE: ABC? gif? MIDI files? internet music 101!!!
Just a word from a hard-core free software user.

If you are have MusicTeX installed (and hence TeX). Then there are two free programs to put MIDI files into MusicTeX format.

One is Lilypad which is GNU softwsare. There is a version for PC based computers and one for UNIX platforms. You can find it at any site that caries GNU software. The primary site is!INDEX.html

The other is Rosegarden. That is the one that I use and I am not sure it available for other than UNIX platforms. It comes with a sequencer, and editor, and facilities to convert MIDI files to TeX files which are in turn printed with the usual TeX printing drivers. I think Lilypad is similar.

Both are free!

It seems to be a floribund type of software.
