The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #2000393
Posted By: Ebbie
18-Mar-07 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
BTW... John Edwards' new 'country getaway' certainly is a modest assertion of his 'populist' persuasion... ;^)

Very good of you not to "tout" Coulter's epithet, ttr. Dismayed to learn you agree with her. The contempt I feel for people like Coulter is enough to keep me from believing *anything* she says. In the event she ever says something truthful, helpful or unhateful, I'll wait for someone else to say it and then laud the sentiment.

How anyone with a smidgen of brain and a modicum of decency could sit there and admire the woman is beyond me.

As to Edwards' new and huge home- I wonder if the people who decry someone else's "country getaway" as being too lavish, expensive and whatever else are only demonstrating their green faces - and I do NOT mean green as in environmentally caused. I suspect that, given the resources, those same people would be out there a-buildin'.