The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97480   Message #2000506
Posted By: Bobert
18-Mar-07 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: The march on DC for Impeachment 3/17/07
Subject: RE: BS: The march on DC for Impeachment 3/17/07
Ahhhh, that was supposed to be "goon", not "goob"...

And yeah, thanks to the Spainards... They really stepped to the plate...

I think more Americans would have participated if they thought that Bush administartion actaully gave a gol-danged about what anyone thinks, except their little circle of friends... This is why the Bush administartion cannot be trusted... They don not belive in democracy... The are opposed to leting tax payin' residents of the District of Columbia have a vote tho they ceratinly don't mind taking their taxes and spendin' it on dumbass wars... And they ceratinly don't care what the American people want...

Right now it biols down in the Bush screw-ups allowin' folks like the "Swiftboat Liars for Truth" have their way with the majority with thugs...

Normal, for them....
