The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100026   Message #2000565
Posted By: Bobert
18-Mar-07 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
Subject: RE: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
Ahhhhh, what happened to the "Shock 'n Awe"??? No, forget that one, what happened to "Mission Accomplished"???

But now we have a bunch or moronis Bishite parrots going 'round sayin' that if we don't fight 'um there then we're gonna have to fight 'um here... Problem is that intllegence folks and independent analysts say this ain't true... They say that the AlQeada folks in Iraq are homegrown and all they want to do is get the Americans out and then defend themselves against the Sheiites... Not exactly bin Ladens....

But yet the US trudges ahead into what now even the DoD folks are callin' a "civil war" with no clwear "mission" other than "victory", whatever the Hell that means in a "civil war" unless the US wants to take sides and participate in some ethnic cleansing of it's own...

This is the stupidist foriegn policy blunder perhaps in US history because we had Vietnam as a model of not gettin' in the middle of or creating and then gettin' in the middle of another country's "civil war"...

I just wish the Bushite brownshirts would speak some real common sense here rather then keep inventing more bull*** to cover the last obsolete bull***...

And, personally, I'm mad as Hell at people who continue to support this mission-less venture... Quit moving the goal posts and talk straight... Our side hasn't changed it's story since Day 1 while each day we have to listen to the Lie-de-jour...
