The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99902   Message #2000946
Posted By: Mooh
19-Mar-07 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Opinions of Bass Players.
Subject: RE: Opinions of Bass Players.
Murray...I can see your point, but the music industry (it would appear) doesn't agree. Electric or acoustic, long or short scale, guitar shaped, too often played guitar-like, marketed as bass guitar to the guitar-centric world, tuned usually EADG (low-high) is a bass guitar. Just as there are tenor, terz, baritone, and banjo-guitars. It's a guitar centric world! Guitar, guitar, guitar!

As a mostly fretless 5 string electric bassist, it is sometimes tiring to always explain that I'm not playing guitar! But if the same folks actually see me playing guitar (happens all the time) who can blame them for the confusion?

Peace, Mooh.