The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100026   Message #2001420
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
19-Mar-07 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
Subject: RE: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
The regrets of the man who brought down Saddam -

The Iraqi with a sledgehammer who led the crowd in toppling that Saddam statue now wishes Saddam was back.

"There were lots of people from my tribe who were also put in prison or hanged. It became my dream ever since I saw them building that statue to one day topple it."

Yet he now says he would prefer to be living under Saddam than under US occupation. He said: "The devil you know [is] better than the devil you don't. We no longer know friend from foe. The situation is becoming more dangerous. It's not getting better at all. People are poor and the prices are going higher and higher."

Saddam, he says, "was like Stalin. But the occupation is proving to be worse".