The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97874   Message #2001435
Posted By: Bobert
19-Mar-07 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Subject: RE: BS: The statistics on Iraq... How many?
Like I said before, when we let the Dod do the counting we're gonna always get a watered down figure...

Actually, I thought that if the Iraqi death count was, as still perhaps may be, closer to the Johns Hopkins study's, then maybe some here might rethink their ***blind support*** for the invasion and now occupation of Iraq but...

...these folks are so steeped in partisanship the body count could gp to a confirmed 5M and they wouldn't care less as long as they were being given the words to the new company fight song, which seems to change daily...

Well, I for one, do care... This crime against humanity is now being carried out in the name of my country!!!

Yeah, I cared about the deaths from Saddams goons, too and would never, ever excuse them... The problem is that Bush (with his puppet Blair) had ***other options***... They could have assinated Saddam... They could have done what they had done in the past and puffed him up as some big shot player as Rymsfeld had down with him in the 80's and better controlled him... They could have signed onto the World Court and had him arrested, of killed while trying to arrest him... They could have let the ispectors, who said that Saddam was cooperating, ***finish*** the job... They could have used diplomacy... They could have endorsed the "Saudi Proposal"...

Yeah the Bush/Blair Axis of Stupid copuld have done a lot of things other that kill the first innocent person but...

...that didn't fir Karl Roves plan fro Bush to saty in power and...

...that didn't play into Cheney and his ***oil buddies*** hands and...

...that isn't the way that Paul "The Evil" Wolfowitz and Richard "The Evil II" Pearle had drawn what has now become the worst policy decision by any American president ever on paper...

Yeah, ayone want to squabble over body count sign up for "Body Count 101", and have a ball... You'll love the course 'cause it takes you away from the reality that our leaders should in reality be brought up on crimes against humanity...

Screw Bush and screw Blair for having done this to our othwerwise fine and noble nations...
