The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100026   Message #2001477
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
19-Mar-07 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
Subject: RE: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
This may be a bit off the thread intent. I read Rich's column (as I do each week). Always brilliant and incisive.

What bothers me is something that never seems to be brought up.   People are always bemoaning the sad plight of the vets, the injuries, the supporting of troops, and all other things relating to this war. The thing that never really gets much "ink" is how this nation was led into a totally unnecessary conflict becase it was a war of choice by a totally corrupt administration. This makes LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin representation seem like an honest belief in promulgating actions he inherited. Wrong as that was.

Comedians may joke about GWB and Cheney. Humor, unfortunately, is not getting them out of office.    People are dying because of these two---and their "gang" of incompetent and agreeing cohorts.

We can only hope that the Democrats will hold them in check now, the next election (if GWB cannot think of a way of avoiding it) will elect someone of stature---and, dare I say, intelligence.

You can go to Yale because of wealth and connection. Does not make you bright.

Here is a bumper sticker slogan to aid in thinking of this war:

Don't Trust Reformed Drinkers and Fanatics.

Bill Hahn