The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #2001631
Posted By: Ron Davies
19-Mar-07 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom

Plus ca change... ( sorry, I don't have French diacritical marks.)

It turns out I don't even need to make up a new posting--just cite my old posting to you of 14 June 2006 9:43 PM:

"Interesting to know you don't mean a thing you say. I'll remember that for future reference".

Anybody who defends Ann Coulter--in anything--needs to have a pretty tight argument in doing so. Sorry to say yours does not make the cut.

It's a good thing most "rhymers" don't share your charming penchant for opening your mouth without putting your mind in gear. It would be just about enough to give poetry a bad name. Not that I would want to cast aspersions on your mental processes, of course.

But you cite your earlier apology. Just imagine, if you actually thought before hitting "send", you wouldn't have to apologize.