The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19275   Message #200183
Posted By: GUEST
23-Mar-00 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Champlain Valley Festival
Subject: RE: Champlain Valley Festival
So I send out this message and then immediately go to the hospital where they (you know, THEM) put me on a cot the width of a number 10 envelope, stick me with needles, poke me with fingers, put cold pieces of metal on my nice warm body, stuff me with pills, feed me slops, and take polaroids to send to their children. AND nobody even asked for an autograph.

Oh, sorry, the subject of this thread is Champlain Valley. I think it will be fun. Kendall, there's a big parking lot where you land your plane and drive your RV out.

Kat, why did you leave? Be it ever so strange, there's no place like Vermont.

By the way Champlain Valley will be great this year.


Chance, I'm not sure of Mike's address try If that doesn't work, try gwbush@texas.state. He doesn't know Mike's address but he'll write to anybody who might give him a dime. I don't want to be partisan here so if for some reason you don't hear from gwbush, try agore@vpforpres. But he's also looking for cash.