The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100049   Message #2002005
Posted By: Scrump
20-Mar-07 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: £6 (pounds) well spent
Subject: RE: £6 (pounds) well spent
I had no intention of advertising a site run apparently by greedy warrior women who will rip off artists as soon as look at them.

I can't help wondering, then, why you mentioned them at all :-)

I can't see how Amazon are ripping off the artists unless they are withholding the royalties. Are you suggesting they are doing that?

If you go to your local record shop and pay £10.00 for the same CD that sells for £6.00 on Amazon, you would be deluded if you thought any of the extra £4.00 goes to the artists.

And Captain, I ask since you seemed keen to know - does the CD length meet with your approval?

But, ah, I see it now - a CD can hold up to 80 minutes of music, and this CD only holds 62.5 minutes. Have those b*****ds at Amazon stolen the other 17.5 minutes? :-)

Ye gods, a bloke gives a positive review of a folk CD and gets this!