The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100026   Message #2002044
Posted By: Teribus
20-Mar-07 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
Subject: RE: BS: The 4th Anniversary...
The fourth anniversary eh? How long did any of you think it was going to last? Please don't quote the then Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld on the period and time estimate that it would take to defeat Saddam Hussein's forces, the MNF were well inside the predicted time frame for that.

My own prediction from before the thing kicked off was that the US would be involved for about as long as it took UK forces in Malaya. Its a long haul thing chaps if you want it to end up right, get used to it.

Unfortunately because of your Presidential electoral system and recent election results politically at the moment your entire system could be described as "Lame Duck", completely useless and incapable of providing any direction or leadership.

- A President and Administration hamstrung whenever they try to do anything;
- A bunch of so-called politicians who wish to run for the Presidency in 2008, who are absolutely scared stiff to take any position on any subject at the moment for fear of tripping themselves up in their race for self advancement;
- Political parties trying to pander to every-which sort of voter group in the run up to the 2008 elections.

Absolutely ridiculous state of affairs, your country is at war, your country is fighting a foe that selected you as its victims about twenty years ago, they are not going to give up irrespective of who you vote for in 2008. Wake up to the fact and collectively do something about it - believe me its a war you've got to win, you have no choice, forget your lame-assed comparisons to Vietnam, that was never going to follow you home, this one will if you do your usual, give up at the first sign of trouble and haul-ass back to the good-old US of A.

Your professional armed forces are fully capable and willing to see this through, all they need is your support, not arguements about funding or troop levels at your highest level of government.