The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99963 Message #2002102
Posted By: GUEST,Black Hawk
20-Mar-07 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Subject: RE: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Does no-one on this board sing a song because they like the song? Does it have to have years of being sung in back-street pubs before it is acceptable?
I listen to any music, anywhere & if I like a song I will try & identify the author & singer & learn it.
If I cannot identify the author/singer I will still learn & sing the song because I like it & want to share it with others.
Sometimes when I have sung an unidentified song, someone afterwards has said 'Thats by ........." & I have learned something which may lead me to other works by the same author/singer. If I only went on categories I would miss out on a lot of enjoyable music.
If I like it, I like it & don't see why I should label it to make it acceptable.