The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97480   Message #2002479
Posted By: Bobert
20-Mar-07 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: The march on DC for Impeachment 3/17/07
Subject: RE: BS: The march on DC for Impeachment 3/17/07
Well, T-zer... I'm not sure how you werer brought up but a "lie" in our family meant telling a story that weren't true... We ceratinly have been thru a lot of those scenerios with yer heros, Bush and Blair...

We've had Bush tell the Amercian people that in a State of the Union Adress that Saddam was trying to buy uranium from Niger after his own intellegence folks had investigated such claims at the request of Cheney and found no evidence...

Why isn't that, in your book, a lie???

Well it's either a lie or incompetence on behalf of Bush...

And lets not forget the badly doctored 20 year old term paper (or what evr it was that the CIA later said was a joke) that Blair came up with and gave to Bush just before that address to the country...

Lie or just plain incompetence???

What about Bush still telling folks, as if it were a concrete hard fact, that if we "don't fight ''um there, we're gonna have to fight 'um here"... His own intellegence folk have just this week said that is "unlikely" yet Bush is out there with that story...

Yeah, maybe we disagree on just what constitutes a "lie"... What, if you are too politically steeped to ignore the "truth" and go telling stories that you thought might be the truth when, in reality, have nuthin' to do with the truth, that ain't liein"???

If that's yer take, T-zer an' others, then maybe you need to go back an' talk with yer mama's about what is lieing...

And just for the record, I've stuck with one story from the very beginning... Can you Bushites say the same???

Well, of course not... You move the goal posts every time the story isn't goin' yer way...

And, Ebbie, I've deducted that Dickey will say anything to get folks attention and to change the subject when he has a weak argument, which BTW is just 'bout all the time, so I'd suggest you do what I've been trying to do in ignorin' him...
