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Thread #100023   Message #2002599
Posted By: Bobert
20-Mar-07 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reviewing the Road to Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Reviewing the Road to Iraq
Well, okay, I'll admit that Bush was right about one thing and that was "bad intellegence"... Porblem is that it wasn't as much at the CIA but at the White House...

Why won't Cheney release his notes of his copnatcts at the CIA during the mad-dash-to-Itaqmire??? Well, I'll tell ya' why... Because they would show incessant pressure on analyists to sing the company fight song...

Why didn't Bush care much about the dissenting opinions in his daily reports from the CIA??? Well, I'll tell ya why... 'Cause it didn't play into Karl Rove's strategy for the Republicans to hold power in '04...

Why was Bush in such a hurry to invade Iraq given the Hans Blix report in January to the UN that Iraq was indeed now cooperating fully with the weapons inspectors??? Well, I'll tell ya' why... 'Cause had the weapons inspectors been able to continue their jobs then Karl Rove's plans to hold power whould have gone down the drain...

BTW, Why were Bush's attorneies in the 2000 Election so Hell-bent on gettin' to the Supreme Courth as fast as they could??? Fir a hint see last question... Oh, too hard??? Well, I'll tell ya' why... 'Cause like the weapons inspectors being pulled early these lawyeres felt that if the recount were to continue then their client would be "harmed" in losing the election... (I'm seein' a pettern here...)

Then there's this amtter of all the outright lies that Bush and his people were tellin'... Okay, on another thread there is a suggestion that if Bush didn't actually know he was liein' that the lies don't count... In other words, if Bush was so predisposed to going to war that any time he saw the "truth" coming toward him he'd stick his head in the sand so it really isn't lieing, is it??? Bullfeaathers.... He knew what he was doing... This a man so steeped in partisan politics that unless his IQ was under 80, he knew... He knew there were millions of folks in the streets accross the world sayin', "Hey, pal, slow the heck down... What's the big hurry" yet he pretended to stuick his head in the sand so he could later say, "Geeze, I musts got me some bad intellegence..."

Yeah, Goerge, you got that part right... You got some serious b ad intellegence but not to worry... There are a plenty rich folks and rich folks stooges (three of them here in Mudville) whyo are prefectly willing to turn yer worst prsident ever administration into some heroic afministration...

We have folks comparing you to Ronald Reagan...

Well, yeah, I can see the resemeblence... Alzheimiers, false calims of big victories and record deficits....

Tell ya what, folks, and especially to the 3 Stooges here in Mudville... Their ain't enough whitewash in the world to whitewash over Bush's war crimes against humanity... You won't be able to revise this guy's legacy... It is chizzeled in stone... There is no avoiding it any more than avioding death (pun intended) and tax cuts to the rich folks (pun intended)...

Yeah, 3 Stooges just thinkin' "Oh, here's another Bobert rant..." and dismiss the reality of their support for this anti-human adminstration and, fine, that is the perogative of any or all of the 3 Stooges to do... Might of fact, if they didn't dismiss it then I would be encouraged that one or all of the 3 Stooges might have had a little "Come to Jesus" and be willin' to confront the fact that they have been supporting war crimes against humaniity... But I doubt that will happen 'casue there's always revisions...

Problem with revising history while it's still warm is that it's hard to convince the folks who have just witnessed what they saw as being wrong about what they saw so... of luck to the 3 Stooges here and all the stooges out there who think they can rewrite the legacies of their leaders or their support for these leaders decisions...
