The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100049   Message #2002864
Posted By: The Sandman
21-Mar-07 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: £6 (pounds) well spent
Subject: RE: £6 (pounds) well spent
when I listen to cds, I very rarely listen to the cd all in one take,but click on to a particular track,this is physically much easier,than doing so with vinyl lps.[where if you are not careful you can damage the vinyl]
Bob Bolton the right length for the subject, is a subjective judgement,what you might think right,another person might not.
   whats all this stupid stuff about frozen peas.,most people look at how many tracks are on a cd before they buy them,as well as what the tracks are.
I asked the question originally,because there is a difference between 30 minutes of playing time and 60,in my opinion something thats fifteen or thirty minutes long,should not be the same price as something that is sixty two minutes long.
Yes Nutty appears to have a bargain,.