The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92060   Message #2003161
Posted By: beardedbruce
21-Mar-07 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter scrapes bottom

You state: "BB, There is an argument technique that I've noticed you use a lot, and it's pretty transparent."

1. YOU are the one using the straw man argument- When I state YOU are a biogot, it is NOT because of your hate of the Bush administration- it IS because of YOUR statements about what Bush SHOULD have done, and DID. You hold him to blame when he DID WHAT YOU WANTED HIM TO.

2. If you have any examples here of my using that arguement, perhaps you would care to show me.

MY post was

"" because I am critical of the Bush administration, that somehow makes me a "bigot.""

No, I have never claimed that because you are critical of the Bush administration you were a bigot- I stated that your unreasonable blame of the Bush administration for not acting as you stated they should have in Sudan, when I pointed out that they had done EXACTLY what you said they should have done in that specific instance, was bigotry. Perhaps I should have used the words " unreasonable, insane and unjustified hate and intolerance" . "

YOUR statement that I was responding to is a classic case of the straw man arguement. I have noted some people here who blame anyone opposed to them with acting in the manner that they themselves have been acting. I guess I will have to number you among them.