The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40606   Message #2003299
Posted By: SouthernCelt
21-Mar-07 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Double Entendre Anyone?
Subject: RE: Double Entendre Anyone?
I have to tell this although it happened way back in the 60s. The famous-in-his-day Cardinals pitcher Dizzy Dean became a baseball broadcast commentator after his bb career. At a TV broadcast game in the 60s with the action even slower than normal on the diamond, the camera started wandering on the crowd settling on a young couple that were being somewhat amorous. Dizzy Dean and his broadcast partner (may have been PeeWee Reese) began to speculate about what was going on with the crowd being shown on the monitors in the broadcast booth. After each boring pitch on the field, the camera would return to the amorous couple in the stands. After two or three shots of the couple, Dizzy Dean said something to the effect of, "Hey, I've got them figured out; he kisses her on the strikes and she kisses him on the balls!"

A moment later the broadcast developed broadcast "difficulties" and following the game, Dean lost his job as announcer. It's still unknown whether he made the statement on purpose or just didn't think of how it sounded to those with dirtier minds. I don't think he ever had another nationally watched broadcast job.