The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100112   Message #2003405
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Mar-07 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Subject: RE: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Now's the perfect time to use your spare time in building up an image of what you want to accomplish. *Feel* what it is like to have it be a great success, really feel it; visualise it, even make up a poster board with images of success and keep a short, simple mantra in your mind to say when you start to get discouraged, i.e. "Success and Prosperity are mine." You don't have to believe the affirmation, just say it over any time you feel anxious. It will displace those negative feelings with positive and help your subconscious to focus on success.

And, it's okay to weep and wail, too!**bg** {{{{{MBSLynne}}}}}}

May all the best come to you, now.
